Photos of Africa: Blog

Apr 10, 2013

Plan Your South African Adventure to Perfection

Plan Your South African Adventure to Perfection

South Africa is by no means one of the easiest places to travel. South Africa possesses a bounty of natural beauty; stunning wildlife, and flora and fauna, which is unrivalled anywhere else on the planet. A landscape that is as diverse as it is colorful, a fascinating culture, friendly locals, and an abundance of opportunities for adventure and adrenaline-inducing activity awaits those brave enough to look for it. This is only the start of your journey through South Africa.

Planning Your Trip

While South Africa is a great place to travel, given the slightly unstable nature of the country, and the reputation for danger in certain places (most notably Johannesburg), it is highly recommended, essential even, to plan and research your trip before you go. The South Africa Travel Channel contains an extensive library of videos which provide information and advice on everything from accommodation to places to visit, and how to travel through the country. These videos, as well as being incredibly useful during your planning stage, will provide a perfect resource throughout your South African trip. You can access the videos on your phone as you travel, just ensure that you know the cost of internet access on your phone before you go. Internet access abroad on your phone can often be pricey, and it is best to know up front just how pricey, so you won't be stung with a huge bill you cannot afford on your return home. Used wisely, these videos provide the ultimate travel companion and planning tool. Read on to find out how they can help.

Using the Videos: Where to Visit

As of yet there is no well-established backpacker or tourist route in South Africa, meaning that it can be difficult to know where is worthwhile visiting, and where there is any tourist infrastructure. The big cities of Johannesburg and Cape Town are perhaps highest on the public radar, but certainly should not be the sole points of focus during your trip. The South Africa Travel Channel has a multitude of videos covering each main area of South Africa, with information and advice on what to see and do, where to visit and finding accommodation. South Africa is roughly divided into the following areas: Western Cape, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Northern Cape, and Gauteng, and the videos on The South Africa Travel Channel are divided with regards to this. Depending on the amount of time and resources at your disposal, you may not be able to experience each major area of South Africa. In which case it would be wise to take a look at a number of videos for each area before going to get a feel for the essence of each place, and an idea of where you would like to visit.

Sleeping and Eating

Finding accommodation in South Africa can often be a frustrating task, and naturally the more remote the place that you are visiting is, the less accommodation there will be readily available. Because of this it would be a good idea to research potential accommodation before arriving at your destination, and even booking in advance if possible. Check out some of the hotel videos on The South Africa Travel Channel, each video provides an intimate look at the hotel and most contain voiceovers explaining that particular hotel's attributes and features. This is great way to make sure you really know what you are getting with your hotel before arriving.

You can use the videos in the same way when deciding where to grab a bite to eat. If you are new to South African cuisine, you are certainly in for a treat. South African food is nicknamed 'rainbow cuisine' due to its multicultural influences (European, African and Asian), and as there is a big culture of eating out in this country, there are no shortages of restaurants to sample. It is highly recommended to experience local food while travelling, but if your palette does require a respite, there are also many cosmopolitan cuisine choices in big cities such as Cape Town.

Eve Pearce 

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